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Thoracic Surgery


Abnormalities in development such as bronchogenic cyst or congenital pulmonary malformation may be picked up on antenatal scans or in infancy. These will often require surgical intervention and are typically performed with key hole surgery.


Infective related disease such as empyema usually occurs secondary to pneumonia and presents as an emergency. Key hole surgery is commonly utilised to treat the condition.


Pneumothorax, or air around the lung, may occur after trauma or following a spontaneous rupture of a lung cyst. Drainage of the air, and potential surgical treatment of the underlying cause, is often required.


Chest wall abnormalities such as Pectus Excavatum (funnel chest) and Pectus Carinatum (pidgeon chest) are commonly diagnosed in children and often worsen during the rapid growth phases in teenage years. Management may be conservative or surgical, possibly using keyhole surgery.


Dr Rampersad has trained in minimally invasive techniques for these conditions both in Australia and the UK. He has also presented research at international meetings regarding thoracic conditions.

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